blogggggginnnn' & bullshit

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

almost done

just pulled a full day at the library. beyond exhausted right now. two exams tomorrow & driving home as soon as i turn in the second test. finally getting away from the ELife for a while. shout outs to everything that kept me going today:

copious amounts of water

mainlined some coffee
uniball v5s are the truuuuth


drake's 'so far gone' mixtape

here's a quick shit list of people/things i encountered today:

- the guy sitting at the computer across from me who found it necessary to pound out every single letter on his keyboard while typing. give me a fucking break, guy. i can feel the communal table space shaking.
- slow walkers
- the professor who decided to conduct his class in the middle of the quiet wing. are. you. kidding. me.

it feels like i've been skullfucked after today. yayyyyyy :) that's all i've got for now...this guy's calling my name:

yeah yeah i know it's only red but i'm trying to save money. speaking of out for the next bobby billions recession tip. coming soon. as in later tonight soon.

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