even though i constantly shit all over the ELife & nearly everyone in it, there are definitely times where i'm happy to be exactly where i reside. specifically, my room. living with five other people makes it nearly impossible to control any part of the house outside of my 10' x 12' space. call me anal but things like leaving cooked ground beef on the stove, in the pan, for long enough to turn black (yes, black. as in the color that beef should never be) kind of gets to me.

like i said before i went off on a mini-tangent, i'm a big fan of my room. it's filled with objects, books, pictures, drinks (john? are you there?) & keepsakes that definitely contribute to maintaining my happiness & sanity. i mean, can you really be mad at a setting like this?
and if you were wondering, yes those are candles. and yes, it's even better in person. you maaaaad. time to give the new jimmy single a rest (find it on cliffskighwalker.blogspot.com or nahright.com) & switch things over to this kenzo digital project titled 'city of god's son' that i've been waiting on to listen for a minute now. i don't even want to speak on it & give people the wrong idea but from everything i've read/heard so far, it's shaping up to be quite a listen. might as well let the man himself describe it:
"...an epic, a musical, a soundscape, a movie for the blind, an art installation and a coming of age story...COGS comments on the icon of the gangster, the media obsession with this character and its function within hip hop culture...[B]y using some of the genre's most influential artists and manipulating them into characters that humanize and at times contradict their media persona, COGS aims to dissect concepts of machismo and push the envelope for using music as a more directly narrative medium."
digital recommends that you listen to it in its entirety in one sitting, preferably with headphones on, in the wee hours of the night...which is exactly what i'm about to do. if you need any more encouragement, then check out the trailer at www.cityofgodson.com . if that's not enough for you...then you should probably just stop reading this dskfkjskjfblog. unless, of course, it completely blows & i take down the post as soon as i finish listening. don't count on that.
alright...really ending this post now. for real. right after the promo poster.

god i hope this doesn't suck.
update: i feel bad for you. i truly do. if you were one of the lucky ones to have read this post as soon as it went up/had already heard of the city of god's son project & DLed it, good call. just went on the site after my initial listen & found out that the yousendit link has been 86ed. probably because eskay featured it on nahright & the masses jumped on it (guilty), maxing out the DL limit.
if you do have it & already listened to it...then i still feel bad for you. i would do terrible, despicable things in order to hear COGS in its entirety at this point. i didn't even realize that only part 1 is out right now. it's going on 3am & i'm wide awake after listening to the project/opera/story/musical/epic. forget the remix, fuck mash-ups & focus on the future. with the help of joe bataan, kenzo digital has raised the bar when it comes to modern storytelling. as a matter of fact, he absolutely obliterated the bar & set it higher than ever previously imagined. stop reading this blog, get binoculars out, tilt your head back as far as it can possibly go & then look up. see that fuzzy speck farrrrrrr off? right around the milky way? yeah there's the new bar.
ultimately, i can sum up COGS in two words: simply amazing. wait, here's three more: get it now.
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