blogggggginnnn' & bullshit
Saturday, January 31, 2009
"do anybody make real shit anymore?"
i was about to blog on some stupid shit but then i realized that's what i have this redundant because if you read this shit you probably already follow me. fuck me, right?
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
"love me tender...or else"

truth be told, i forgot valentine's day was even around the corner. not really surprising because i usually forget every year. consider it my pre-valentine's day tradition. however, i always pulled through whenever it had to count. you already know that p bobby had the best, most thoughtful & romantic valentine's day cards back in the day & his card box was filled to the brim with love letters & candy hearts.
agent provocateur, along with model rosie huntington-whitely, did their part to remind us all that valentine's day is swiftly approaching. i'm not even going to pretend to justify this post with an explanation of why i put it on here. it's pretty obvious after you watch the video. <------click.
ladies, p bob needs a valentine. i'm just like gossip girl, you know you love me.
Saturday, January 24, 2009
strange times
biiiiiiig week coming up. going to see kings of leon on monday in EL. hoping that the venue works out for them because it's kind of a weird set up. we'll see. or i will & you'll pretend to see. unless you're going too.
then going home thursday to see the black keys downtown. really excited to see the boys from akron, ohio do their thing. i caught their set at lollapalooza in august (....god i feel like a hipster right now. weird) & they busted their asses in the middle of the afternoon in 90 degree heat. expectations are high but they're definitely going to deliver.

possibly seeing blitzen trapper in early february as well. the only way this concert streak could get any better is if black rebel motorcycle club & spoon came to town in the very near future. your boy would shit.
Friday, January 23, 2009
it's friday...
as an unemployed student/writer/person, i tend to have some extra time on my hands. a 12 credit semester with no friday classes doesn't hurt either. if you're reading this right now & thinking about how much you hate me because you're taking 30 credits (why?), working 40 hours a week or both, it's okay. i understand. feel free to be mad at me. however, consider the following: i'm in college. i'm at the tail-end of my free ride (thanks mom & dad). with that said, i'm enjoying every minute of it.

this brings me to the point of this post. i'm taking this space to officially endorse the bloody mary. sure, it's not the most creative endorsement. i know it's been done before but what hasn't? everyone has their own recipe because it's a personal thing so there's no point in giving you mine. the only thing i will say on the subject is that if your ingredients end at bottled bloody mary mix & vodka, you're missing out.
i'd elaborate more on the endorsement but it's looking like i need to make another. and there's a cigar to be smoked. as you can tell, i've got a pretty busy day ahead of me. happy friday.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009
this is the view from my window.
depending on my mood, i'm either a fan of it or it feels like i'm in an arctic jail. that's all.
it's okay. you can scuff them.
for the 4 people reading this who don't know me (hi, i really appreciate it. hope you like the posts & keep reading, thankkks) your boy's got a bit of a shoe fetish. mens or womens. nikes, new balances, louboutins, reeboks, or blahniks. heels, pumps, dunks, loafers, trainers or boots. the point is, i don't discriminate. if it looks good, i'm a fan. especially with boots. my god, how i love boots. if i see a girl wearing the right pair of boots, i am 100% more likely to talk to her than homegirl in some tired-ass "no one's gonna look down at my..." shoes unless there are other extenuating circumstances (save that for future reference. love, p.bob).

moving on. i'm also a big fan of brands that pay close attention to not only their target audience, but their entire customer base. it still surprises me that some companies/brands are only now grasping how important it is to LISTEN to your clients/consumers/audience. enter the boot & shoe company timberland.
pause. yes, i just said timberland. as in the company that started pumping out pink construction boots a few years ago (you know cam'ron loved it). after some initial questioning & research ("why are rappers name-dropping us so often?" & "how did our 'made for construction/outdoor work' boots develop such a following in inner-cities?"), timberland decided it was in their best interest to listen to their biggest market & give people what they wanted. sure the easter-egg colored timbs may have been gaudy as hell, but i guarantee the only color timberland saw was green. so let's clear this up: i am not endorsing/condoning these:

i am, however, applauding timberland for recognizing and developing an unexpected market. keep the applause going because timberland continues to explore new markets/styles/customers. launched in 2005 in the uk, the timberland boot company targets "selective independent menswear and shoe specialists around the globe"...and they're fucking killing it with their spring '09 collection. they also put together an incredible fall/winter '08 line up.
this is on the long side (......that's what she said. god i was trying so hard to be mature there too) so i'll wrap things up. i got their 8 inch tackhead boot for christmas & have worn them every day for almost a month now. the pictures from the site don't do them justice so here's a few of my pair.
here's a few of the spring '09 releases. check out the rest here

thanks to acquire for putting this picture together
Monday, January 19, 2009
the thanksgiving dinner of sites
just about everyone who a) has an internet connection and b) can read probably has a list of daily sites they check out regularly (thus..."dailies" i know, crazy, isn't it?) i've come to accumulate quite a few dailies. enough to take me at least an hour of browsing and perusing various sites (some complete wastes of time, others actually having some value) each morning.
if i find a site or blog that i've never seen before & it's actually worthwhile, i usually end up getting greedy & read my way back to post #1. wowwwwww. if that's not an "i have way too much time on my hands" comment then i don't know what is...but i digress.
when you find yourself having exhausted your dailies & you're still looking for something to read, allow me to suggest the google collection of new york magazine. with every issue from 1965-1997 archived, it'll take you quite a long time to digest the entire thing. i'm in the middle of reading the cover story from the january 9, 1995 issue: "did the counterculture kill the mob?"
so many great articles, so little time. be prepared to lose a few hours by clicking here
Saturday, January 17, 2009
Friday, January 16, 2009
real quick
kind of in a rush so i'll make this one quick. got linked to this article from selectism entitled "man in uniform: a guy's guide to dressing in 2009". skimmed it, agreed with some things, really liked a few items, continued to nod my head until i read this:

"and come spring (if that ever does happen...), we're loving the eclectic mix of mesh shirt and printed canvas shorts the duo showed on the runways"
hit the brakes. did they really just rave about a look involving a mesh shirt? i didn't know that look ever emerged from the techno discotheque (sorry to put your music on blast, m...again) circa '99-'00. here's the look. i think you'll have no problem identifying which one i'm talking about...

i awkward do his nipples look?
aside from that, i'm kind of feeling the vest on the right. call me crazy but that's a good look. too bad it'd be damn near impossible to translate from the runway to real life. unless you're swedish. and in sweden. hit the link for the article in full.
so close
no friday classes so i used the day to run around & get some things done. sidenote: this has been my most productive week in i can't even remember how long. one of my roommates is going to be a male model & another one might be in the olympics (not even kidding...more on that in another post). never one to be outdone, i showed both of them today by putting on pants & running some errands. what's up now, bitches?
anyway, as i was walking toward the bank, i happened to be behind potential wife material. i had such high hopes for the girl. 5'4, jet black hair, MJ purse, adorable leather gloves, a fitted red coat & boots. don't even get me started on boots...the right pair on the right girl = philip bobby kryptonite. and i'm not talking about uggs, either.
so she's looking incredibly put-together & cute (from the back at least) & i'm hoping that all of this will carry over to the front. she enters the building first & turns to hold the door open for me. before i can even think "whattttt a sweetheart," two blaringly obvious accessories shatter my hopes and dreams.
girl has a bull piercing. we're talking studded barbell through the nose. ready for some salt in those fresh wounds, p bob? her jet black hair has pink highlights -- the only word in my mind at this point being "reaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaalllllyyyyyyyyyyyyy?"
before you call me an asshole & lecture me about how it's her body, her choice, her life & i have no right to critique her, let me save you the time -- you're right. i agree with you. she's free to do whatever she wants & no one can stop that. it was just such a letdown. it's not like she was a bad looking girl, she just happened to give her overall cuteness the death sentence by getting the bull ring & putting pink in her hair.
to which, all i can say is -- reaaaaalllyyyy?
Thursday, January 15, 2009
"you in no man's land..."
directed by stacy peralta (dogtown & z boys) & narrated by forest whitaker, crips and bloods: made in america is a documentary focusing guessed it, the crips & bloods. taken right from the website, here's a better description. the film:
"offers a compelling, character-driven documentary narrative which chronicles the decades-long cycle of destruction and despair that defines modern gang culture."
showing in typical select cities until there's (hopefully) a wider release, i'm definitely going to need to see this.
1 guy, 24 rooms
gary chang, a resident of hong kong's sai wan ho district, has turned his 344 square foot apartment into a 24 room exercise of architectural fluidity. using a mixture of sliding wall-units & folding-down tables & chairs, chang spent $218,000 in renovations to the apartment (which he has lived in since he was 14) and has aptly titled it the "domestic transformer". i'm sure these pictures don't even do the place absurd.

yeah...that's a hammock
washer/dryer & cd collection. now you see me...
now you don't. thanks, sliding walls.
this bed is hidden behind a sofa during the day. definitely the 21st century version of the pull-out couch.
check out the article in full, along with a few more pictures here
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
the cadence of destiny
thanks to a huge co-sign from cliff skighwalker, i figured i might as well return the favor & shine some light on a few people who have had an instrumental role in me getting over the stigma of blogging. for as long as i can remember, i've been a writer. with my parents moving out of the house we grew up in, i've had the opportunity to rediscover long lost notebooks from my grade school days, filled with a young buck's longings, hopes & desires. anyway, here are a few of the people who have influenced/inspired me to actually write for an audience outside of me, myself & i & to make my words public. a 'thank you' doesn't even begin to suffice, so here goes, in no particular order...
1. brother
even if i hadn't taught him most of the things he knows, i still would be in awe of his attention to detail & knack for spotting/hearing/calling out everything you wish you knew about 6 months ago. a consummate forward thinker, the title says it all: style/truth/soul
2. skighwalker
entering my second year of the ELife, i had seen cliff around campus a few times. it's impossible not to notice the kid. always wearing at least one thing to make your head do the double-take & give you serious neck whiplash, cliff exudes style, confidence & an openness that has you wondering why you don't know him already.
it's funny how certain people enter your life. i tend to keep my circle close & consider myself to be more of an introvert/private person. in typical dorm fashion, i was playing the "who has the loudest speakers on the floor" game with the new (at the time) jay z song, blue magic. after playing it for about the third time in a row, my door gets kicked the fuck in & i hear: "OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH I KNOW YOU'RE NOT PLAYING THIS RIGHT NOW!"
with an introduction like that, how could the kid not be one of my best friends/favorite people from the ELife?
cliff obviously never listened to his mom when she told him to keep his hands off the stove....if it's not hot, he doesn't touch it & has the blisters for proof. "OHHHH LORRRRRD!"
3. cope
the only appropriate way to convey to all four of my readers how i view cope would be as a second brother. one of my oldest and closest friends, i'd be pressed to think of a situation we haven't gotten ourselves into (and if we were lucky enough...out of) over the years. having relocated to chicago for school, it's been an honor & pleasure to see some little shit i used to have to open bags of chips for (actually, i still do) develop a voice that is both independent & confident. currently interning for author/blogger/commentator giselle zado wasfie, jamie d's about to make big moves in the blogosphere & beyond. now if only i could convince him to keep updating his own blog....don't sleep.
4. m. bast
it's probably appropriate that chuck bast is batting clean-up on this post. quite possibly the tipping point in my getting serious about anything but a, ms. bast's encouragement & praise finally pried off the shell that had been surrounding my thoughts & words. plus the girl has more character/personality/style than she knows what to do with. follow her creativity here.
alright, enough with the get the point. and if you don't, it's your loss.
hate hate hate
not the best afternoon....had to skip class in order to make it to an informal hearing for a failure to yield ticket i got back in november. free law advice from a lawyer's son: always take it to court. sadly, this is not the best example of said advice in effect.

had to wait over an hour because they were so backed up, my name finally gets called, "raise your right hand....whole truth...nothing you god." 'i do'". officer gives his take, i give mine. judge lays down the law, saying that "without corroborating evidence to contradict officer's statements..." he'll always side with the officer. full fine, 2 points. if i would've known...could've saved myself 2 hours. so that + the surprise migraine that crept up while waiting for my hearing = not exactly how i enjoy spending my time.
you've probably fallen under one of two categories by now:
1. wanting to join this pity party
2. "ease up, bobby bummer"
i hope you joined me in the latter category. about to go watch my friend charlie on wheel of fortune at 7. legally i doubt i'm able to reveal the winner before the show airs but i will say that i'm pretty proud of the kid. tune in to nbc to see what happens & holler at pat sajak (even though i'm on team trebek).

hey pat sajak...thanks for this one. let me get a spin, though.
unless i go out, expect some more bobbybloglove later tonight.
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
night mode
even though i constantly shit all over the ELife & nearly everyone in it, there are definitely times where i'm happy to be exactly where i reside. specifically, my room. living with five other people makes it nearly impossible to control any part of the house outside of my 10' x 12' space. call me anal but things like leaving cooked ground beef on the stove, in the pan, for long enough to turn black (yes, black. as in the color that beef should never be) kind of gets to me.

like i said before i went off on a mini-tangent, i'm a big fan of my room. it's filled with objects, books, pictures, drinks (john? are you there?) & keepsakes that definitely contribute to maintaining my happiness & sanity. i mean, can you really be mad at a setting like this?
and if you were wondering, yes those are candles. and yes, it's even better in person. you maaaaad. time to give the new jimmy single a rest (find it on or & switch things over to this kenzo digital project titled 'city of god's son' that i've been waiting on to listen for a minute now. i don't even want to speak on it & give people the wrong idea but from everything i've read/heard so far, it's shaping up to be quite a listen. might as well let the man himself describe it:
" epic, a musical, a soundscape, a movie for the blind, an art installation and a coming of age story...COGS comments on the icon of the gangster, the media obsession with this character and its function within hip hop culture...[B]y using some of the genre's most influential artists and manipulating them into characters that humanize and at times contradict their media persona, COGS aims to dissect concepts of machismo and push the envelope for using music as a more directly narrative medium."
digital recommends that you listen to it in its entirety in one sitting, preferably with headphones on, in the wee hours of the night...which is exactly what i'm about to do. if you need any more encouragement, then check out the trailer at . if that's not enough for you...then you should probably just stop reading this dskfkjskjfblog. unless, of course, it completely blows & i take down the post as soon as i finish listening. don't count on that.
alright...really ending this post now. for real. right after the promo poster.

god i hope this doesn't suck.
update: i feel bad for you. i truly do. if you were one of the lucky ones to have read this post as soon as it went up/had already heard of the city of god's son project & DLed it, good call. just went on the site after my initial listen & found out that the yousendit link has been 86ed. probably because eskay featured it on nahright & the masses jumped on it (guilty), maxing out the DL limit.
if you do have it & already listened to it...then i still feel bad for you. i would do terrible, despicable things in order to hear COGS in its entirety at this point. i didn't even realize that only part 1 is out right now. it's going on 3am & i'm wide awake after listening to the project/opera/story/musical/epic. forget the remix, fuck mash-ups & focus on the future. with the help of joe bataan, kenzo digital has raised the bar when it comes to modern storytelling. as a matter of fact, he absolutely obliterated the bar & set it higher than ever previously imagined. stop reading this blog, get binoculars out, tilt your head back as far as it can possibly go & then look up. see that fuzzy speck farrrrrrr off? right around the milky way? yeah there's the new bar.
ultimately, i can sum up COGS in two words: simply amazing. wait, here's three more: get it now.
i'm putting this up for me mainly

denim & leather richelieu shoes from lanvin's spring/summer 09 collection. hit the link for more pictures....thanks selectism.(
for the four people reading this (thank you, i appreciate it, all praise due, etc etc)....thoughts? at first i loved them, then i actually started thinking about how (and when) one would wear these. without seeing the pictures, i only thought of three words after reading "denim & leather" shoes: dear. god. why?
after looking at the pictures, i'd be lying if i said i wasn't impressed. i never thought it'd be possible to call the combination of these two materials on a shoe "tasteful" but lanvin succeeded. then again, with the amount of flip-flopping i've done while looking at the different views, it's possible i might retract all of this within minutes.
here's the main thing that bothers me about the shoes -- it's not like you can throw these on if you're trying to get dressed up. the shoes are too well made to be "ironic"...these aren't fucking chucks, guy. on the other hand, i'd feel like too much of a canadian in a tuxedo wearing these with jeans. wait a second.....i figured it out. these shoes would be the best choice of footwear for someone wearing the full canadian tux. (sidenote: do i even have to explain the canadian tuxedo? denim. denim jacket. denim shirt. denim pants. and finally, tasteful denim dress shoes). looks like a big thank you is in order to lanvin for solving this sartorial predicament. phewwwwwwwww. i've only been seriously (and i use that very loosely) blogging for like 3 days now & i've already pointed out how to solve a world problem.

you're welcome.
"a couple in chicago"
big 3, subprime mortgage crisis, financial meltdown. am i missing anything? oh yeah....recession. there's no point in delving into any of these issues, that's what the rest of the internet is for. ran into this excerpt from the new yorker. i think you'll recognize the subjects.

this sums it up pretty well:
"On May 26, 1996, Mariana Cook visited Barack & Michelle Obama in Hyde Park as part of a photography project on couples in America. What follows is excerpted from her interviews with them."
Monday, January 12, 2009
one down, a lot to go
first official day back. mondays aren't that bad. two classes, 12:40-2 & 3-4:20. nothing too stressful -- abnormal psychology & creative processes in advertising. creative processes is looking like a huge workload though...not exactly what i needed this semester with a project that's on track to take over my life. the fact that my earliest class all week is a 12:40 makes things kinda hype. it's not like i'm up at the asscrack of dawn or anything so i can't be mad. however, i CAN be mad about some other things. ready for it? here comes the shitstorm.
being back on campus after a longggg 32 days off brought out some mixed feelings for your boy p.bob. after getting used to it, the ELife can be a fun way to live. i'm sure i'll elaborate on this lifestyle sooner or later...just not now. while the hate is still fresh, without further adieu, the january edition of the p.bob shitlist.
1. roommates bumping techno into the wee hours of the night....on a sunday. and monday. and tuesday get it.
2. having to leave your house/apartment/teepee at least 10 minutes earlier than you normally would for class because of how congested campus traffic is at the start of the semester/throughout winter. i realize no one wants to walk their ass clear across campus but i'm imploring you....suck less at driving. or skip class. kthx.
3. as cliff skighwalker ( so eloquently tweeted: "ladies, please take all the ed hardy trucker hats you own and burn them. that shit is not a good look. thank you & you're welcome." i can only add this: take ALL the ed hardy you own and throw it out. today in class i saw a girl wearing a northface, uggs & ed hardy leggings. an outfit like that makes me weep. i understand the desire for casual clothing but it is possible to dress with both comfort & style in mind. i swear to god i'm wifing the next girl who has the ability to dress down with style. maybe not but i hope you can read the seriousness in my worrrrrrds.
4. i made the mistake of telling chuck bast (m, it's your new nickname. i'm going with it) how spring semester syllabus week is a joke & we don't do anything real for a few weeks. while she regaled me with horror stories of entire chapters to read before the first class, i mistakenly laughed at her misfortune. and heeeere comes karma, ready to bite me in the ass. it's only monday & my first week of class is already shaping up to be busier than my entire freshman year, no joke.
5. dealing with changes. just when i fall into a routine with class/library/life, everything switches up on me. then again, it's not exactly like that's a bad thing. keeps me on my toes.
that wraps up the shitlist for now. expect a PBSA later tonight or sometime tomorrow....if you can figure out what that stands for then congratulations. that's it. no prize, no love. just a congrats. till next time.
gooood morning, EL
feeling like a slightly less hairy version of robin williams in....

alarm went off at 10...immediately hit the off button & snoozed for another 15 minutes. had a weird dream revolving around the characters of showtime's dexter. odd. went down to the kitchen, was purely dumbfounded at the state of the kitchen (code red), stared at the coffee maker for a good 5 minutes -- also dumbfounding -- where does the coffee go? decided to stick to what i know & boiled water for the french press. i'd like to say that the main reason i use the french press for coffee is because of the taste. freshly ground & pressed beans > pre-packaged, ground beans with hot water dripping through them. while this is a big factor, it's not the main, driving reason. it's pretty simple matter how many times i set up a coffee maker & hit "brew" i can never recall how to do it. there, i said it. i can't operate an automatic coffee maker. until i can, i'm sticking to my snob guns & telling people how i only use a french press because it makes better coffee. feel free to call me out & show me how to use an automatic. in other news, my caffeine intake is at an all-time high. just cashed out the whole pot....time to start the day.
addendum -- if i'm calling myself out on embarrassing things, then let me call your attention to these other gems.
1. i can't dive
2. i've never seen forrest gump
deal with it. have a great day.
Sunday, January 11, 2009
queens get the money
i've seen this like ten times already & still get goosebumps when nas starts rapping.
if you're impatient, fast forward to 3:05 for the music & then'll know when it hits.
feed me rappers or feed me blogs...
i'm not going to sit around & lie (remember,,,i told you i'd be honest). i used to skateboard. i always sucked. hence why i don't as much as i used to. nonetheless, i still appreciate all things related to snow/wake/skateboarding. which is exactly the reason why i went batshit upon seeing this:

don't worry, your eyes still work. and yes,,,,you're looking at a louis vuitton skateboard trunk from the late stephen sprouse's new collection. it's yours for $8,250 and comes with the pictured skateboard. OR you could buy it for your boy p.bob as a blog-warming present. i'll even let you touch it. the trunk...not that. get your head out of the gutter.
hey hypebeast, thanks for letting me use your picture.
tonight's posts brought to you by....
shout out to the dream team that keeps philip bobby on his A game....


who's gonna save my soul now
with a little over an hour left of my official calendar day winter break, it's probably time to start getting serious about things. jumping headfirst into the semester is not exactly the easiest thing to do. it's not the hardest thing either but indulge me for a few minutes.
having gone straight from chicago for new year's eve to northern michigan, it's safe to say that the past week & a half would have been completely lost in my mind without the aid of a camera (thanks G9).
going from this:
to this:
has been a challenge thus far. i'll be the first one to shoulder the blame. i know it wasn't the smartest idea to check out of the real world for a week plus. i know i should have started getting my affairs in order days ago. hell, i know that i shouldn't even be blogging right now with that mess sitting on my floor, an article to read, a meeting to prep for, a campaign to plan & a life to organize...but i'm going with it.
i'm struggling to successfully make the transition from carefree to chaos. adjusting back to the ELife after the cottage is going to take a few days. however, even as i sit here thinking about how much work i have to get done, i'm still not regretting any part of my decision. i lost a week but found shamelessly cheesy is that? nevertheless, it's true. i haven't felt this refreshed in god knows how long. i feel sharp, inspired & honest -- quite the triple threat. normally i'd attribute this to the alcohol or a particularly unshakeable bout of depression with a heavy dose of cynicism mixed in. but this time around, it's not the case. call it a hell of a week, a fresh start or a rotating cast of incredible people in not nearly enough time -- whatever the situation, i'm not complaining.

courtesy of JJJJound
i couldn't have said it better myself. the first week of my 2009 has been more fun than my entire 2008. it's been a long time coming & could not be more welcomed. goddamn, i feel good.
bear with me
i've had this kdakdnaahemmmmblog for a while but haven't felt inspired enough to do anything with it until now. don't expect to be wowed anytime soon/at least until i get my shit together. if my super-sized ego hasn't already scared your eyes away, i'd like to take a minute to address some things.
1. i have no intention of making a "new post every day" promise. let's not kid ourselves here. i'll be honest & so will you. i'll be like the boyfriend/girlfriend you don't have to lie to. if such a thing exists.
2. as far as content goes, i'm pleading the 5th. it all depends on the day. deal with it.
3. i'm finicky & will be toying around with the layout of the page until i find something suitable.
now that the elephant in the room has been introduced, i'd like to officially welcome all four of you who might be reading this to the blog (there, i said it). i appreciate it & will make it worth your while.
staring at my suitcases...
i should not have listened to "the college dropout" for the majority of my drive back to school. oooops. initial thoughts on being back:
- of course the roads are barely plowed & it's a full-on tundra on my street (where i almost spun out & hit four different cars...welcome back)
- i'm calling it right now that our leasing company will claim they shoveled our driveway at least 5 times ($10 per time) even though i stepped in mid-calf level snow while exiting the car. thanks.
- why would i ever fool myself into thinking that maybe, just maybe, the house will be clean? i swear to god i've seen frat houses in better shape. maybe it's time to get some pledges....rush traphouse spring 09(?)
- currently wolfing down some potato salad before a meeting. oh wait, it looks like i'm already late.
so not even an hour into the ELife & it's already stressing me out. here we go, spring semester 09.
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- "do anybody make real shit anymore?"
- "love me tender...or else"
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- it's okay. you can scuff them.
- the thanksgiving dinner of sites
- the king
- redirect
- real quick
- so close
- "you in no man's land..."
- 1 guy, 24 rooms
- zzz
- the cadence of destiny
- hate hate hate
- night mode
- i'm putting this up for me mainly
- "a couple in chicago"
- one down, a lot to go
- gooood morning, EL
- queens get the money
- feed me rappers or feed me blogs...
- tonight's posts brought to you by....
- who's gonna save my soul now
- bear with me
- staring at my suitcases...